About us
V-TAC is an international company with offices in Bulgaria, Dubai, UK, Hungary, Poland, Romania, India, Hong Kong, and Ireland.
Pixel density | 27777dots/sqm |
Brightness | 6500nits |
Optimum view distance | more than 6m |
Gray scale | 16bits |
Display color | 281 trillions(synchronized) |
Operation power | 220V-240V |
Max power consumption | 1350W/sqm |
Control Mode | Synchronized |
Refresh Frequency | 400-800HZ |
Fram Frequency | 60HZ |
Surport signal input | S-Video,RGBHV,YUV etc. |
Control Distance | UTP140M,SINGLE MODE FIBER 15KM |
Operating Humidity | 10%-90% |
Life span(50% brightness) | 100000hrs |
IP(Front/Rear) | IP65/IP45 |
Cabinet size(L*H*D) | 768*768mm |
Cabinet resolution | 128*128 |
Module quantity each cabinet | 4*4=16 |
Average power consumption | 800w/cabinet |
Cabinet material | Iron |
Cabinet size | 25kg/cabinet |
Pixel pitch | 6mm |
LED specification | SMD3535 |
LED configuration | SMD 3 in 1 |
Module size | 192*192mm |
Module resolution | 32*32=1024dot |
Drive Method | 1/8 scan constant current |
Drive IC | SM16106 |