Take care of your eyes with V-TAC

Take care of your eyes with V-TAC

Pupils and students often find themselves trapped in fatigue and eye pain. Studies show that one in five students faces this problem before important exams and assignments.

We all know that proper lighting can change our mood, whether we are aiming to create an energizing environment for learning or a lightly illuminated atmosphere for relax.

V-TAC for fruit conservatory

V-TAC for fruit conservatory

LED lighting is the best solution for fruit conservatories. The topic might seem distant, as the most convenient way to get fruits is buying them from the supermarket. However, everyone should know a thing or two regarding the quality of food.

V-TAC bulbs give life to taverns

V-TAC bulbs give life to taverns

Two taverns at the beaches of Sythonia, which is the middle peninsula of Khalkidhiki, are in furious competition for customers. They are both located very close to each other between the towns of Neos Marmaras and Nikiti. The owners are two families, who are in constant rivalry since their existence, just like Montecchi and Cappelletti. While tourists and potential customers pass by the taverns, it is a real attraction to watch them compete for their attention.

V-TAC protects From chronic blepharitis

V-TAC protects from chronic blepharitis

Did you know that improper lighting in the workplace can cause chronic blepharitis? It's about eyelid inflammation affecting predominantly active people between 30 and 50 years of age who spend a long time in offices and is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases. In most workspaces, the lamp is in the ceiling and does not illuminate evenly, but the monitor is bright, making pupils long-lived. Among other things, one begins to suffer from frequent headaches and chronic fatigue.

